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May 21, 2012

PetSafe® Expert

PetSafe® Guest

And The Winners of the Scavenger Hunt Are…

It’s time to reveal the winners of the scavenger hunt! While we weren’t able to collect all of the items needed, we received many great submissions.

Congratulations to our winners and thank you for sharing your photos! Details for the next Scavenger Hunt will be listed at the end of this blog. Enjoy!      

Small dog with a big attitude, wearing a jacket: This little guy takes his job as “head of security” very seriously! This cutie pie is on security detail.


Squirrel Dude on Vacation: This Premier fan got so creative with their submission that they actually found a real live squirrel relaxing on what one can only guess is a “squirrel vacation”! Who knew squirrels were so laid back? This little guy is an inspiration to all Squirrel Dudes out there. Here is a photo of one of the local squirrels taking a vacation on our deck. Looks like he needs it!

Two species that look alike: This category had the potential to be one of the toughest to find. But, one Premier fan found a great photo of a Miniature Horse and a Harlequin Great Dane. How cool is this!?!

Appaloosa Mini Mare, Wow ( DRK Sheeze Gonna Wow Ya) with Harlequin Great Dane, Dyami. (UKC CH Sixstar's Fly Like An Eagle, CGC RN)

Now, onto the next Scavenger Hunt Challenge!

For this challenge, you will need to find these photos:

- A dog and a cat snuggling up together

- A dog striking a pose in their Easy Walk Harness

- A pet (any pet) enjoying a swim

– bonus points if they’re playing with a Pogo Splash toy or wearing their Premier life jackets!

The rules are:

  • Only one snapshot may be submitted per person.
  • Your snapshot must be submitted by June 11th.
  • All submissions must be emailed to
  • The photo you submit must belong to you or you must have permission to use it.
  • Any questions about the game should be left in the comment section of this blog so that it may be answered for everyone to see.
  • You agree that the photo may be published on Premier’s blog, Tales About Tales, and the Facebook page of Premier if it is chosen as a winning item.
  • Please include a description with your submission, such as the pet’s name, breed/ your name, etc.  

We will select a winning photo for each snapshot listed below and will post the winning collection in a blog next month! Remember to get creative and most of all have fun!

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