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Amy Shojai, CABC

Amy Shojai, CABC

Pet Expert

Amy Shojai is a certified animal behavior consultant and a nationally recognized pet care expert. She's an award-winning pet journalist and author of 30 best-selling pet care books that cover furry babies to old-fogies, first aid to natural healing, and behavior/training to Chicken Soup-icity.

Amy published thousands of columns and articles spanning the past two decades-in dog year's she should be dead! She created, wrote behavior content for, and writes a weekly PETiQuette newspaper column as well as her own Bling, Bitches & Blood Blog. She also writes pet-centric suspense novels featuring a dog viewpoint character.

As a pet industry spokesperson, Amy works with Perfect Litter and the and has written for,,, Woman's World and many others. She has been featured as an expert in hundreds of print venues including The New York Times, Reader's Digest, Newsweek, Ladies Home Journal and Family Circle, as well as hundreds of radio and television appearances including the Today Show, CNN, Animal Planet's DOGS 101 and CATS 101.

She hosts Pet Peeves radio, a Pet Talk CBS TV segment, and brings her pet-centric viewpoint to public appearances including presentations at writing and pet care events. Sometimes she actually finds time to sleep.

Amy lives somewhere in North Texas surrounded by 500 weed-challenged rose bushes, a smart aleck German Shepherd named Magic, a 17-year-old Siamese wannabe named Seren, and a delinquent silver-shaded tabby cat called Karma-all provide furry and prickly inspiration.

Visit Amy's website.

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