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June 26, 2013

PetSafe® Expert

PetSafe® Guest

Become the Top Dog in the Last Month of Bark For Your Park

By Natalie Lester, PetSafe Brand Communications Specialist

bark for your park Have you put up all your yard signs yet? Put them in heavily traffic-ed areas and the home of your future dog park.

Our Bark For Your Park finalist cities have been barking for 57 days! We’re blown away by each cities’ enthusiasm and creativity. Watching as pet parents from all over come together to create a dog park in their community inspires us more than anything we else we do throughout the year. We hope your communities plan to be just as successful in the last month to really push your city to the top of the leader board.

Just as with every other stage of the contest, PetSafe is here to help. We’ve created a last minute list of tips for you to keep those barks coming.

1. Make a list of everyone you’ve reached out to. Then, think of all the people and groups they are connected to and encourage them to spread the word.

2. Download all the resources from the Bark From Your Park page. Put any you aren’t already using to work for you! We love the digital ones. The desktop backgrounds, Facebook profile picture and cover photos quickly tells all your friends about the contest.

3. Place your ad on local television stations. We had the finalists create ads to help cities gain more votes – make sure that content lives up to its full potential by ensuring as many people see it as possible. You should also share the YouTube link on your personal social media accounts.

4. Stay in front of the community. Keep coordinating events and showing up where you know pet parents will be. Ask your local pet store if you can promote the contest in front of their store.

5. Take every opportunity to earn extra votes. As you know, PetSafe offers a 7 Vote Sniff Out every Friday. Be sure everyone in your town is sniffing out a week’s worth of barks! Keep sharing that video link, too! Each city that gets 1,000 views will also earn 1,000 extra votes.

You’ve all done such a great job in getting your community this far, but don’t stop just yet. Keep barking and the grand prize may be yours!

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