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Damascus, VA

Location of proposed dog park:

Whistlestop Road
Damascus, VA 24236

About this community:

Damascus, Virginia, is a town of 653 residents located in the Appalachian Mountains and is a tourist destination for over 200,000 people a year because of its location on the Appalachian Trail, the Virginia Creeper Trail, the Jefferson National Forest and numerous other national and local trails. Visitors to the Town of Damascus increasingly bring their dogs, and there is currently no dog park within 15 miles. There is also a high percentage of dog ownership among residents who would find the dog park helpful too.

Why this community deserves a Bark for Your Park™ grant:

The Damascus Dog Park is entirely a volunteer effort using town-donated property. All funds have been raised by volunteers, at this time a total of $18,000 out of the anticipated $60,000 needed. All work on the park is being done by volunteers except for contracted landscaping. If the Town of Damascus receives a Bark for Your Park grant, it will be able to fully develop the donated two acres into a regional dog park with sections for large dogs, small dogs, old dogs and a unique section for unsocialized dogs which will be a one-dog-only training area.

How this community would use a Bark for Your Park™ grant:

The Town of Damascus and its many Dog Park volunteers will use the Bark for Your Park funds specifically to develop fenced-in sections for small dogs, unsocialized dogs, and possibly a police dog training facility. The Town will use the funds to bring in a water supply and add electricity for security lighting. Funds will also be used to develop parking and ADA-compliant facilities. A dog-walking trail along the adjacent Laurel Creek will be developed, with access to dog swimming areas.

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