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May 11, 2014

PetSafe® Expert

PetSafe® Guest

Here’s to a Happy Mother’s Day!

By Sarah Folmar, Brand Communications Specialist

Sometimes it's hard to tell what toys belong to the baby...

Sometimes it's hard to tell what toys belong to the baby...Being a mother is the most difficult and most rewarding job. The past 10 months have been a learning experience for me. Having a child opens a new world of lessons, and if you happen to have human babies along with fur babies you know this adds to the chaos. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve almost handed the baby a dog toy, or started to scoop out baby formula to put in a dog’s food bowl!

So this Mother’s Day, I wanted to provide a list of the Top 10 Reasons being a mother to multiple species makes you the coolest person on the planet today.

10) You handle a lot of… Stuff – Nowadays you can easily run to the store and pick up a convenient trash receptacle for all of your baby’s diapers. But what do you do about what your pets leave for you, minus the diapers? Relax, the PetSafe® Brand has plenty of waste management solutions to help!

9) You handle a lot of crying – Babies cry. They cry so often that you have a permanent ringing in your ears when you show up to work, and your coworkers have to convince you that the fire alarm isn’t going off. Your dogs bark. Unless you have a cool indoor or outdoor bark control unit. These products help to keep your household peaceful… until the baby wakes up from that long nap.

8) You are great at saying no – Parenting has a lot of ups and downs, and as hard as it is to say no, you still master the art of it. Whether you are teaching your child that bedtime means bedtime, or keeping the people food away from your pets, you’ve got this!

7) You are great at saying yes – Sometimes the hard lessons in life deserve a bit of pampering once learned. You do a great job of buying the boo-boo ice packs when your little one scrapes a knee or falls down, and you love to treat him to an ice cream cone when the neighborhood truck rolls down your street. And when it comes to your pets, rewarding them with treats is easy.  Why not try some Made in the USA snacks from our indigo™ line? indigo™ Fresh Dental Sticks are a daily treat and dental benefit! indigo™ Fresh Dental Sticks are a daily treat and dental benefit!

6) You believe in keeping the family healthy – After providing the human kids and fur kids plenty of love and guidance, you still make sure they all stay fit and get plenty of exercise. Even if it means coming home and being spit up on (Did he eat peas or mashed-up asparagus for dinner?), you take the time to simply take a walk with the whole family.

5) You create security – Baby proofing a house is probably the most tedious task you’ll ever face, but you made it through to make sure your kids stay safe. You probably never understood how a tiny human could be so uncoordinated, but you prevented any disasters anyway. You took that stitches magnet of a glass table and replaced it with a plush ottoman. Good for you! And for your pets… you made sure they stayed out of the trash and out of the Easter chocolate with some of our deterrent products. And Mother of the Year goes to…?

4) You create happiness – Moms always make their babies (human or furry) happy. Even if your kids don’t tell you (because they haven’t learned how to speak yet or they are angry teenagers), you make them happy just by being their mom. Fur babies have unconditional love for you, regardless, but you still do little things to get them excited!

3) You know when to give space – Now I haven’t had the pleasure of getting a door slammed in my face, but those glory years are probably not too far off with my son. For those of you who are already at this stage of parenting, you deserve a medal. The great thing about your pets is that you can give them their own space with a pet door from PetSafe, and don’t have to give them a lecture on how not to be snippy with their parents. Freedom-Aluminum-Pet-Door-Small

2) You know when to create boundaries – Yup. You know how to teach healthy boundaries with your kids, and you can easily create boundaries with your pets with a Stay+Play Wireless Fence® system from PetSafe. Set it up in 1-2 hours, and train your pet to a whole new yard!

1) You love your babies (fur or human) no matter what they do – For all of the times you’ve shown up to work with no sleep, baby food or dog food on your shirt, braved the traffic to pick the kids up from the sitter and cleaned up after your loved ones… You. Still. Love. Them.

From all of us here at the PetSafe Brand, have a Happy Mother’s Day.

You deserve it!

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