August 30, 2013

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Post Bark For Your Park - When the Barking Subsides, the REAL barking begins

By Robin Hawn Rhea, Senior Brand Manager

One month after Bark For Your Park and we are still COMPLETELY BLOWN AWAY by incredible and intense amount of “barking” and spirit that communities create during Bark For Your Park. Congratulations to our winners:   Mountain House CA made sure their efforts in Bark For Your Park we extra sweet with these logo'd cookies

Mountain House CA made sure their efforts in Bark For Your Park we extra sweet with these logo'd cookies

  • Texarkana, Texas – Top Dog $100,000 Winner        
  • Conway, Arkansas – Large City $25,000 Winner
  • Wheeling, West Virginia – Medium City $25,000 Winner
  • Mountain House, California – Small City $25,000 Winner
  • Sliver Cliff, Colorado – Bark From Your Heart $25,000 Winner

Now the Real Barking Begins - It might feel like “YIPPY! We won, now we’re done.” Now is actually when the real work begins. Your community needs your help and patience to get your park planned and constructed. Your community has to develop the blueprints for the park, develop a schedule & budget, get construction permits, build the park, and then maintain it. That’s a lot of stuff for a big payoff once the park is complete and a lot of opporunity to get involved and help.

Your Dog Wants You to Keep Barking - Your park will benefit so many people and dogs in your community, be a person that gives back to the park even before its finished. Help find resources for the park, help your community make any key decisions, donate your own time and resources to make your park the kind that dogs will sit up and beg for!  Some ideas might be would someone be willing to volunteer to provide landscaping once the park is complete? Could a group in your community help by emptying the trash cans at the park?  How can you help make your city's dog park a "people and dog-approved" success? Funnel all the energy you put into Bark For Your Park into making your dog park dreams a reality.

Back and Barking in 2014 - While dogs are waiting anxiously to run through their dog parks, we at PetSafe are also ready to start planning Bark For Your Park 2014! If your community didn’t win funds for a park this year, you have an excellent chance to lead the pack next year. You’ve already gotten your key pieces in place, your community knows they want a dog park and they know how to BARK! Keep the excitement alive and well to be Top Dog Next Year.  While we are planning next year’s contest, we’d also love to get your feedback on what we could do better, what ideas do you have to make the contest more fun, fair, and furry?

Tell us now when you take our short feedback survey.

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