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Seneca, SC

Location of proposed dog park:

Quincy Rd and Doug Berry Road
Seneca, SC 29678

About this community:

Seneca is a growing community at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains, surrounded by numerous beautiful lakes that continue to attract newcomers. Founded in 1873 as a railroad town, Seneca is now considered a lake resort city with a rich, diverse population of 8,850. Seneca’s downtown historical district is populated with carefully preserved buildings that give testimony to the warm, friendly atmosphere and charm of this rural, micropolitan community.

Why this community deserves a Bark for Your Park™ grant:

Seneca has a whole community of dog lovers with no safe place to exercise dogs off-leash. There is no dog park within reasonable driving distance. The City of Seneca has a thriving recreation department and facility, with several parks as part of this structure. But none of them have off-leash areas for dogs, and some of the facilities prohibit dogs. An EF-3 tornado in 2020 that decimated many of the city’s core residential areas clearly shows that Seneca is a community determined to overcome impossible odds to come back even stronger. Adding a dog park to Seneca’s green areas has become a rallying point for Seneca residents who know that dog parks are not just for dogs and that dogs AND people are the magic combination. They are committed to working hard to make a dog park happen for all of Seneca.

How this community would use a Bark for Your Park™ grant:

The City of Seneca has offered a beautiful 1.5 acres for a possible dog park, populated by mature shade trees, too many perhaps, and part of the grant will be used to clear some of those trees. The grant will be used for other features as well – fencing areas for both small and large dogs with safe entry vestibules, benches in both areas for owners to congregate and oversee their dogs, and multiple water stations for people and dogs. A top priority will be to make the park ADA accessible. Signage will be prominently displayed, and multiple waste stations will be placed throughout the park. Seneca asks for your vote as they know the PetSafe grant will go a long way in making this dog park happen for the Seneca residents and send them on their way for the final fundraising efforts to make this park a reality.

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