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June 20, 2014

PetSafe® Expert

PetSafe® Guest

Take Your Dog to Work!

The PetSafe® office is a great place to be, especially if you’re a dog. You get to eat snacks, receive attention from so many co-workers and you even get to play with other dogs. Take Your Dog to Work Day® is today! So to honor this awesome day out of the year, we wanted to profile some of our resident dogs! Baron

Baron “the bizz” Jones

Start date at PetSafe: November 2012

About me: I am a 22 pound, “miniature” dachshund, red in color, shorter than a blade of grass in stature. My nose is long enough to stretch across the Rocky Mountains….twice. I am what you would consider to be full figured and curvy in all the right places. I enjoy long, slow, very slow, walks around the PetSafe building. My daily life consists of sleeping on the job, an occasional stroll around the office for some food, and counting down the hours until I can get home to my dinner (baked chicken and white rice…every night…don’t get it twisted).

Fun facts: I can make myself look absolutely starved while begging for food, yet I’m 8 pounds overweight (ask me about my technique later). I am proficient in ignoring commands, giving the “hound eyes”, and essentially getting my way 100% of the time. I can sleep 24 hours in a day, but who’s counting?

My thoughts on coming to the office: The thought of waking up at 6:30 a.m. is exhausting in itself. In fact, the thought of waking up at all is enough to make me dread going to work. However, between the belly rubs, treats and seeing my best pal, Cooper, I can muster up the energy to get to the office every day.   IMG_8260

Moose McDowell-Nixon

Start date at PetSafe: February 2014

About me: I’m a fun-loving pup who is always looking for a fellow playful pup to chase.  A momma’s boy, I enjoy following my mom around the house and sitting uncomfortably close to/on her. My favorite place to go is the dog park, and I like to swim… sometimes. My favorite food is anything my brother, Trigger, has because I tend to be very jealous.

Fun facts:

  • I can do three whole tricks, but my best talent is my heart-melting sad face
  • I have a heart murmur, but it doesn’t slow me down in the slightest
  • I can find a mud puddle wherever he goes
  • My bed time is at 9:30. Exactly.
  • I am single and looking for a long-time friend to let me win at a game of fetch

My thoughts on coming to the office: I think the office is my playground. There are no boundaries to my curiosity, and every other working dog is just a potential new friend. My favorite parts of work are free treats and chasing dogs that just pretend they don’t want to be chased. My least favorite parts of work are wearing a leash and seeing stuffed animal dogs that just freak me out.   Rosco

Rosco P. Coltrane “Rosco”

Start date at PetSafe: November 2013

About me: I was born on October 9, 2005. My dad was a full-bred Italian Mastiff and my mom was a full-bred English Mastiff. I am the epitome of a “gentle giant”. I am very laid back and enjoy accompanying my Mom everywhere she goes. I live for long naps, treats and visits to the dog park. I’m a great role model to my two younger brothers and help keep them out of trouble.

Fun facts: Quentin Tarantino named two characters after me in his most recent film, “Django Unchained.”  I met the director a few years ago when he was scouting out locations for “Django Unchained.”

My thoughts on coming to the office: I’m a proud employee of PetSafe and take my job very seriously. I’m such an over-achiever that I wake my Mom up every Saturday morning ready for work. I love to “work the cubes” for treats and visit with my human co-workers whenever I get the chance. I wish my K9 co-workers were more welcoming, but I understand my size is intimidating. My main goal in 2014 is to establish more relationships with my K9 colleagues.  

Do you take your dog to work? Comment on this post and let us know much how much your pup enjoys it!

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