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November 20, 2013

PetSafe® Expert

Stacie Greene

The World According to Cooper: Happy Birthday to Me!

By Stacie Greene, PetSafe Supply Chain Specialist  

Yup, that's me, Cooper!  Looking all adorable. Yup, that's me, Cooper! Looking all adorable. Happy Fall everyone!  I love fall. There is a nip in the air that makes my fur puff out and makes me want to run and run in the backyard.  I love to chase leaves and jump in piles of them.  It’s also the time of year when there are lots of good smells in house and we have guests stopping by all the time.  I do LOVE to entertain.

There is one more reason that I love this time of year, IT”S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!  I am going to be 3 years old this month.  I’m feeling really grown up lately, too.  I’m making more decisions for myself which sometimes frustrates my mom!  Another plus!!  You see, I think it is perfectly fine to skip breakfast at home in exchange for cookies at the office.  My mom does not agree with this line of thinking.  She tells me all the time how much she wishes that she knew what I was thinking or that I could talk.  She has always been able to read me like a book in the past and pretty much know what I was thinking. 

Now that I am about to turn 3, I am becoming a little man of mystery for her.  HA! Last night I really threw her.  I woke up at 2:30am and decided that it was the perfect time of day to practice my howling. It really startled mom, since I sleep right beside her and was howling close to her head.  She said that I must have harnessed my inner werewolf.  That was fun; I am going to do that again soon.

Do any of you have furry children that scare you with their inner werewolf or have started making their own decisions because they are growing up?  It might be frustrating at times, but it has to be fun to watch.  We are furry children of mystery, enjoy the adventure! Talk to you soon, Cooper

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