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January 23, 2013

PetSafe® Expert

Stacie Greene

The World According to Cooper: Happy New Year

By Stacie Greene, PetSafe Supply Chain Specialist

pet new years resolutions Cooper plans on using his cuteness factor to talk Stacie into his New Year's Resolutions. How do your pet's convince you to do what they want?

 Hey everybody, it’s me Cooper! I hope everyone had as much fun over the holidays as I did. I heard a lot about people making something called New Year’s Resolutions over the holiday. My mom said she never makes New Year’s Resolutions, but I think I might make a couple this year. I mean, why not, I’m getting a little older now so I want to do some grown up stuff.

First, I am going to make a resolution to eat more treats! I think I can definitely keep that resolution. I hear that making these resolutions should be based on what you think you can stick with. I can stick with this. My mom has other ideas about this one. She wants to limit my treats, so we’ll see who wins. I will have to use my cuteness to my advantage!

My second New Year’s Resolution is going to be to play more and get mom to go to the dog park more after work. We have been really busy for the past six months or so which means not as many trips to the park as I would have liked. We play a lot, but I want more!! If the weather is nice, I will use my cuteness to my advantage again to guilt my mom into a nice walk at the park in the afternoon.

I’m sure that I could come up with more, but I think that two is a good start and I really do think that I can stick with both of these. I mean, eat more treats? As long as I can distract my mom, this one is easy. Playing more and going to the park more will be easy too. She just can’t say no to me!!

What are your resolutions?


ABOUT STACIE Stacie Greene is a Supply Chain Specialist for PetSafe, head quartered in Knoxville, TN. She works to manage part of a global supply chain to deliver the best possible products for our customers. She has a BS in Operations Management, and 14 years experience in procurement, supply chain management and strategic sourcing. Her Lhasa apso, Cooper, logs the same hours at the office as Stacie. She volunteers with the Most Pet Friendly Community initiative that has a mission of making Knoxville, Tennessee the most pet friendly community in America.

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