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July 17, 2013

PetSafe® Expert

Stacie Greene

The World According to Cooper: It's a miracle!

By Stacie Greene, PetSafe Supply Chain Specialist

For those of you that are keeping tabs on me, I want you to know that I am feeling much better.  I really appreciate all of your well wishes that have been coming my way. I finally got through to my mom, with the help of one extraordinary doggie behaviorist, Michelle Mullins. Michelle is so good at what she does that she was able to help my mom understand what I was going through and how to help me, all via email and the phone.  See, I told you, she is extraordinary! You see, I have said before that we canine companions are much more intuitive than we get credit for. We understand and feel every emotion that our humans feel. I have also mentioned how busy and stressed my mom has been.  I guess I reached my stress threshold before she did, and that is where my anxiety came from.  Mom does everything she can to make me happy, but she didn’t realize I could actually feel her stress too.

dog anxiety Cooper loves coming to work, but has been facing some anxiety lately. With the help of Michelle Mullins, he has overcome and is back to normal.

My anxiety attack, for lack of a better term, helped slow mom down.  Now granted, it stressed her out more until she talked to Michelle, but we are both better now.  I took a couple of days off work and that was okay, I would rather be there though.  Mom has realized that I need more backrubs, playtime at the desk and I will tell her when I want to go outside and where.  This is all advice that Michelle gave my mom, and it has worked great.  I really don’t feel any anxiety now. I’ve said it before and it’s worth repeating, your furry children probably know you better than you know yourself.  We will do our best to help you, even when you don’t know that you need the help. 

I love my mom and she does everything to ensure my happiness.  For that, I am grateful.  I am also grateful for humans like Michelle Mullins that can help our human parents understand us better and provide words when we can’t!

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