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February 28, 2014

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Stacie Greene

The World According to Cooper: Ready for Spring

By Stacie Greene, PetSafe Supply Chain Specialist

That's me, Cooper. I'd rather stay inside when the weather gets crazy! That's me, Cooper. I'd rather stay inside when the weather gets crazy!


Hey everybody!  I don’t know about everyone else, but I am sooo over the snow.  At first I loved it.  It’s fun to run and play in and chase snow balls.  We have had a lot of snow in the south this year. I think I reached my breaking point with snow when we got 6 inches last week, and my mom had to dig a path out for me to go potty.  How embarrassing!!  I hate to admit it, but 6 inches of snow is too tall for me to do anything in, if ya know what I mean.

I’m ready for spring.  I want warm weather, long days and more time to play outside and go to the park.  I can’t wait for fresh cut grass instead of the mushy wet cold ground that we have right now.  It’s time to get spring fever and kick up my heels.  Doesn’t that sound like the absolute best?

One of my best buddies here at work, Bruiser, was snowed in up in Indiana for the entire month of January and the first half of February.  He is my pal and I really missed him.  He is back in Tennessee now and back to work.  We can start our cookie games again!

One other thing that I will not miss about snow is not coming to work.  I know my mom likes to work from home now and then, but I hate it.  I want to come to work and see my friends, and play and eat as many cookies as we can find people to hand them out.

So I am SNO-VER it and ready get Spring fever!  How about you? Talk to you soon, Cooper

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