April 6, 2012

PetSafe® Expert

Stacie Greene

The World According to Cooper: Spring Fever

Stacie and Cooper have really been taking advantage of the great weather on the weekends!

By Stacie Greene, Supply Chain Specialist at PetSafe

Hi everyone, it’s me Cooper! My mom says I have Spring Fever. Not to worry though, this is nothing I need to see my doctor for. It just means I am friskier than ever and even happier than usual. I have SO much energy lately. I just want to run and play and talk all the time. Mom says I even have a “spring” in my step. Get it!?! We’ve been having a lot of fun lately, going to the park several times a week and meeting new people and new dogs. I love making new friends. We also went on a road trip. It wasn’t a long one, but it was still so much fun.

We opened the sun roof and rolled down the windows in the car one Saturday and headed towards the Smokey Mountains. This was my first trip to the mountains. The smells were incredible. The air is just different in the mountains. I could pick up the scent of everything, different animals I didn’t recognize, trees, even the grass smells different. We took a picnic lunch. It’s cooler in the mountains and that made me even spunkier.

We picnicked beside a stream, and mom let me play in the water when I wanted to. It was cold so I didn’t play for long, but who could ever pass up the opportunity to play in a clear stream. I’m always on my leash and I’m okay with that. This was a very different place and the last thing I would ever want would be to get lost or separated from my mom. I told you all last month I never want to be separated from her, EVER.

After Cooper's trip to the mountain and for ice cream, the sweet treat is all he can think about.

Now here is the best part of our trip: on our way home we stopped for ICE CREAM!!! I got a very, very small cup of vanilla. I know some of you think furry kids should never get ice cream, but it wasn’t much and it tasted so good. It didn’t upset my tummy at all. It was the perfect ending to a perfect day.

Mom said I behaved so well on this road trip that there are many more in our future, and maybe even one where we go somewhere over night. That will be super fun, and maybe a little scary. I’ll be fine as long as my mom and I are together and I’m on my leash.

Make sure and read the other great blogs on the PetSafe Paw Print where they give great tips on taking trips with your furry kids. I’ll be back next month with more adventures. In the meantime, I hope you all catch a little Spring Fever too!!









ABOUT STACIE Stacie Greene is a Supply Chain Specialist for PetSafe, head quartered in Knoxville, TN. She works to manage part of a global supply chain to deliver the best possible products for our customers. She has a BS in Operations Management, and 14 years experience in procurement, supply chain management and strategic sourcing. Her Lhasa apso, Cooper, logs the same hours at the office as Stacie. She volunteers with the Most Pet Friendly Community initiative that has a mission of making Knoxville, Tennessee the most pet friendly community in America.

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