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thanksgiving foods for pets

November 16, 2011

PetSafe® Expert

Stacie Greene

The World According to Cooper: Thanksgiving

By Stacie Greene, Supply Chain Specialist at PetSafe

Hi everyone! It’s me, Cooper! First, I want to wish everyone a really happy Thanksgiving. My mom has been explaining Thanksgiving to me, and it sounds great! You see, this is my first Thanksgiving in a REAL home. Last year, I was only four days old for Thanksgiving. Since my eyes weren’t even open yet, I don’t remember anything!

This year my mom says we get to celebrate the day I was born, and – on top of that – we get to celebrate Thanksgiving! I really can’t wait to taste turkey for the first time! From what I hear, it must be the most delicious thing in the world. I can’t imagine anything being better than cookies, but I am ready to give it a try. Of course, I’m never allowed to have very much people food since it’s not good for dogs.

My mom says everything that tastes really good is bad for us! For this installment of “The World According to Cooper,” my mom asked me to tell you what I am thankful for. There are just so many things on my list, so I guess I better get started. First of all, I am thankful for my mom. She loves me so much. She makes sure I have a great place to live, lots of toys, great food, plenty of exercise and more love than most puppies could handle. She’s the best!

I am very thankful I get to go to work every day with my mom, too. I miss her so much if I am not with her, so going every day is great. I am also so thankful for all my friends at work. I love all of my human friends that come by to see and play with me. They are all so great. I am thankful for my doggie friends at work, too! They keep me real.

I am thankful for all of my toys, both at home and at work. I love my toys. I can’t wait to play with them when I get to work, and I can’t wait to say hello to them when I get home. My current favorite is a lady bug a friend gave me. I love my lady bug; she is my absolute favorite right now. I don’t have any canine brothers or sisters, so my toys are part of my family too.

Of course, I love my mom more than my toys though. My mom said I get to go shopping for my birthday and get all kids of new toys. I am REALLY thankful that is coming up! I am thankful for cookies and treats, too. My mom really watches how many treats I get every day, but sometimes I sneak in a few extra if she is not looking. Cookies and treats are the best. I love my meals, but cookies really put a spring in my step! The thing I am most thankful for this year is that I have a safe, loving FOREVER home with my mom.

I am so grateful that she looked at thousands of puppies when she was trying to find me. How lucky am I that she clicked the right button on that silly computer and my picture popped up? I hope that all the puppies and dogs (okay, and even kitties) have someone out there who is searching just for them this Thanksgiving season. Finding the perfect new home would make them forever thankful, too.


ABOUT STACIE Stacie Greene is a Supply Chain Specialist for PetSafe, head quartered in Knoxville, TN. She works to manage part of a global supply chain to deliver the best possible products for our customers. She has a BS in Operations Management, and 14 years experience in procurement, supply chain management and strategic sourcing. Her Lhasa apso, Cooper, logs the same hours at the office as Stacie. She volunteers with the Most Pet Friendly Community initiative that has a mission of making Knoxville, Tennessee the most pet friendly community in America.

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